fairy chess composer and programmer |
"234 best chess problems" by Vaclav Kotesovec (320 pages, 609 diagrams, photos, tables) published: PDF 3.9.2008 (little correction 20.12.2008), printed book 22.9.2008 free download PDF (5 MB) mirror (in period 3.9.2008-31.5.2009 downloaded 2952 times!) more info about printed books + Errata (informace o tištěné knize) |
Fairy twomovers 2008-2010 by Vaclav Kotesovec (54 pages, 36 twomovers, 54 diagrams) published 28.2.2011, updated version 24.3.2016 (18 new awards added) free download PDF (2 MB) |
Application of Graph Theory in Chess Problems (Dual-free Leaper and Hopper tours) by Vaclav Kotesovec (76 pages, 280 diagrams, 33 graphs, 20 tables) published 31.5.2009 free download PDF (3 MB) mirror Errata (added 8.8.2013) |
Non-attacking chess pieces (sixth edition) by Vaclav Kotesovec The book is devoted to the question of the number of arrangements of non-attacking chess pieces of the same kind on chessboards of various sizes and types. The best-known example is the n-Queens problem, but this publication has a much wider range and includes other chess pieces (kings, rooks, bishops, knights) and many fairy pieces. Even though the book is about chess and each problem can be placed among chess-mathematical problems, it will be more readily understandable by mathematicians than by chess players or composers. A partial knowledge of linear algebra, difference equations, generating functions and power series is necessary. New in the sixth (and probably final) edition: mirror |
Fairy chess endings on an n x n chessboard (second edition) by Vaclav Kotesovec Fairy chess endings form relatively the least explored branch of chess, and always offer the possibility of great discoveries. This book follows on from my earlier articles, and presents new results which can be used in fairy studies. I have created my own "tablebases" for fairy pieces and for square boards of various sizes. First edition was published 19.7.2013. On the computer with 128 GB of memory was it possible in 2017 to analyze with my program VKcomposer 5.0 new series of endings with fairy pieces. Over 225 different types of endings with 3-6 pieces were analyzed. The second edition contains 2310 diagrams, 54 tables and 88 graphs. In total, my computer was generating new endings during a period of over 8 months (24 hours per day). A new and very interesting chapter in the second edition covers endings without the white king. The group of five-piece endings with king + three leapers of same value against a bare king was extended. From the new results as an example: The ending of king + zebra + nightrider against bare king is won for the stronger side on boards up to 28x28 (where the longest win has 631 moves!). On boards of 29x29 and greater the ending is drawn! Second edition published 20.12.2017, free download PDF (43 MB, 866 pages) mirror |
360 fairy echoes 2012-2024 by Vaclav Kotesovec (390 pages, 360 problems, 96 originals) published 7.8.2024 free download PDF (9 MB) (downloaded 555 times in the period from 7.8.2024 to 1.12.2024) mirror |
česky | anglicky | německy | francouzsky | finsky |
Czech | English | German | French | Finnish |
šach | chess | Schach | échecs | shakki |
Král | King | König | Roi | Kuningas |
Dáma | Queen | Dame | Dame | Kuningatar |
Věž | Rook | Turm | Tour | Torni |
Střelec | Bishop | Läufer | Fou | Lähetti |
Jezdec | Knight | Springer | Cavalier | Ratsu |
Pěšec | Pawn | Bauer | Pion | Sotilas |
Cvrček | Grasshopper | Grashüpfer | Sauterelle | Heinäsirkka |
Tátoš | Nightrider | Nachtreiter | Noctambule | Aituri |
bílý | white | Weiss | blanc | valkea |
černý | black | Schwarz | noir | musta |
výzva | stipulation | Forderung | énoncé | vaatimus |
2 řešení | 2 solutions | 2 Lösungen | 2 solutions | 2 ratkaisua |
zdánlivá hra | setplay | Satzspiel | jeu apparent | vaihdelma (h#n) |
zdánlivá hra | setplay | Satzspiel | jeu apparent | esipeli (#n) |
tah | move | Zug | coup | siirto |
úvodník | key-move | Schlüssel | clé | alkusiirto |
pokus (svůdnost) | try | Verführung | essai | houkutus |
hrozba | threat | Drohung | menace | uhkaus |
tempo | zugzwang | Zugzwang | blocus | siirtopakko |
šach! (+) | check! | Schach! | échec! | shakki! |
mat (#) | mate | Matt | mat | matti |
pat (=) | stalemate | Patt | pat | patti |
remíza | draw | Remis | nulle | tasapeli |
úloha (skladba) | problem | Aufgabe | probleme | tehtävä |
originál | original | Urdruck | inédit | ensipainos |
exošach | fairy chess | Märchenschach | échecs féeriques | satushakki |
pomocný mat | helpmate | Hilfsmatt | mat aidé | apumatti |
samomat | selfmate | Selbstmatt | mat inverse | itsematti |
šachovnice | chess board | Schach Brett | échiquier | shakkilauta |
pole | square | Feld | case | ruutu |
kámen | piece | Stein | piece | shakkinappula |
braní | capture | Schlag | prise | lyönti |
(x,y)skokan | (x,y)Leaper | (x,y)Springer | bondisseur(x,y) | (x,y)Juoksija |
(x,y)liniový skokan | (x,y)Rider | (x,y)Reiter | (x,y)de la Nuit | (x,y)Kiitäjä |
vedlejší řešení | cook | Nebenlösung | démoli | sivuratkaisu |
neřešitelnost | unsolvable | unlösbar | insoluble | ratkaisuton |
předchůdce | anticipation | Vorgänger | anticipation | edeltäjä |
cena (c.) | prize | Preis | Prix | palkinto |
čestné uznání (č.u.) | honourable mention | ehrende Erwähnung | Mention d'Honneur | kunniamaininta |
pochvalná zmínka (p.z.) | commendation | Lob | Recommandé | maininta |